


International Conference

on Innovative Collaboration between

University & Socioeconomic 

Environment ICICUSE2023

December 05-06, 2023 | Constantine, Algeria

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Improving the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of higher education is a constant concern of all sectors of society. The quality of university education and training is a major challenge today in the face of a rapidly changing world, a growing body of knowledge and regularly renewed training needs, but above all, in the face of new relationships to knowledge.

Moreover, higher education is today subject to forms of evaluation and accreditation, to systems of norms, to the standardization of educational policies, etc...  It challenges pedagogical engineering more and more, but also, and in a competitive approach of Knowledge Management or knowledge economy, the figurehead of educational institutions and organizations, it shakes up paradigms, calls for creativity and innovation, both in approaches and in pedagogical practices, generating a quest for new devices, processes of acquisition and transfer of knowledge and educational tools.

In such a context, the importance of the contextualization of learning and the development of skills that refer to the mastery or intelligence of situations emerges. Research in this field is even leading to a shift from the concept of competence to that of acting competently through experience. For in fact, competence qualifies acting in a situation and does not refer to the possession of multiple competences. Indeed, the dilemma of the Competency-Based Approach, which defines competence as "knowing how to mobilize" knowledge learned outside of a situation from one situation to another, is that it allows for the transmission of competencies without actually training a competent person. It is then that the Enactive Approach is proposed in education and training, where competence qualifies the effective power to act of the person, and the meaning given to the experience in action refers to enaction.

Research in the educational sciences has shown that an enactive approach requires constant back and forth between theoretical and practical training. The situational approach, or SPA, is an extension of the PCA, from an experience-in-action or enactive perspective.

This conference is the third edition of the two previous ones that dealt with the relationship between the university and the socio-economic environment. It aims to converge the reflections and update the experiences related to the different approaches that revolve around the professionalizing education, putting the finger on the way to think the employment through the training and vice versa, confronting: approaches - knowledge - skills and experiences, for the construction of a professional and enterprising actor in the society.

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